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For 15 years Women Inc has been fighting for a world in which it does not matter whether you are born as a boy or a girl. And with success: thanks to numerous campaigns targeting better healthcare for all, closing the wage gap, and combining work and care, we are slowly but surely moving into a world in which your gender is no longer an indicator of your opportunities. How to pop 15 years of work into a one minute video to celebrate this milestone?
Not by cramming these years of work in one short video, but by simply explaining Women Inc’s mission: fair chances for all. That mission is framed in a spoken word performance, performed by all kinds of women.
The women who have been fighting for all women for decades meet those that might still have to begin their fight. One by one, they explain their shared cause through a megaphone, together, they tell a story that has by far not reached its end yet: the fight for emancipation will continue, until your opportunities will no longer depend on whether you’re a boy or a girl.
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