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Everybody does something

How to create a long-term campaign for the government to realize the ambitious goals for the Climate Agreement in 2030 if nobody feels responsible and everybody suffers from a ludicrous yet inevitable form of ‘climate change fatigue’?
Embrace the fact that climate change is old news. We’re way past the question of whether you should do something for the climate, today it’s about what you can do. It may be big, it may be small, easy or laborious, cheap or costly, but everybody does something.
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‘Everybody does something.’ is the inviting and long-term rallying cry for a new movement. A rallying cry hardly anyone can say ‘no’ to. It kicked off with a general introduction campaign, showing all kinds of things all kinds of people are already doing. A digital ‘always-on’ campaign touches upon specific subjects. And to signal the broader movement on all levels, partners in the field are invited to use the overall theme in their campaigns to show what they are doing.
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