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Research has shown that talking about suicide can save lives, but still, every day five people in the Netherlands take their own life. They feel lonely, desperate, as if the people closest to them are miles away. And that feeling could be alleviated simply by talking about it. But, most people don’t because the taboos around suicide and suicidal thoughts are just too big.
People struggling with suicidal thoughts feel unseen. The simplest way to change that is by letting them know that you see them for who they are and what they are dealing with.
That’s why 113, the Dutch suicide prevention helpline, asked us to develop a campaign that encourages everyone in the Netherlands who might know someone struggling with suicidal thoughts, to start the conversation about suicide. In response, we developed ‘1K Z1E J3’ (translation: I SEE YOU).
The phrase, 1K Z1E J3, is partially made up of the number ‘113’ itself and is accompanied by portraits of the people open for conversation. The people portrayed are uncles, mothers, friends, neighbours of those in need.
Their faces can be seen on both moving & static billboards, as Youtube pre-rolls, and as part of a social media campaign. To allow our audience to join the campaign and share the message, we also launched a 1K Z1E J3 face filter on Instagram and Facebook.
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