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Every day, five people in the Netherlands take their lives. Of those circa 1900 people a year, a disproportionate number are young men, making suicide the leading cause of death among young people. To change that, these men and boys (and their peers) need to talk about it, because research shows that talking about suicidal thoughts can help prevent suicide. But asking a suicidal person to start a conversation about it, is a lot to ask. Their friends, siblings and peers could start a conversation a whole lot easier.
In 2021, the 1K Z1E J3 campaign got a diverse part of the Netherlands to show they were open to a conversation about suicide, but young men’s peers not so much. So, this time, the question was, how do we get the peers of young men to speak up?
With more and more things being expected from young people – they need to be successful, social, athletic, nice, etc. – it’s becoming increasingly hard to admit you’re not doing OK. To help the friends and siblings start the conversation, we asked a TikTokker, a gamer and an influencer to join the campaign to kickstart the conversation and get them to do 113’s conversation training on how to talk about suicide. To lower the threshold to actually do this training, specific questions are also transformed into ads for Twitch and Reddit.
This campaign is a follow up of the first 1K Z1E J3 campaign. The influencers become part of a second 1K Z1E J3 campaign video, and share their own stories in tailor-made shorts. They are all filmed in the spaces they usually create content from, to make sure the audience stays involved. A series of behind the scenes videos helps them engage their followers on their own stories.
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