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Bits of Freedom is an NGO that has been around for 24 years to protect your human rights in the online and technological advancements. That is necessary, because the more things become technologically possible, the more likely it is that your rights to e.g. privacy are compromised by the parties facilitating this development – from Facebook and Google to the government. Bits of Freedom fights these parties in your favour. Not because they ‘hate’ Facebook, but because they love technology. And you protect what you love.
To continue existing, Bits of Freedom is dependent on donations, and the number of donors was going down. To turn that around, they needed a campaign that introduced them to a wider audience (beyond the tech die-hards who already know and support them). So, how do you introduce an activist NGO that is known to be ‘against’ many big tech companies, in a positive way?
By creating a campaign that celebrates the internet and all technology that makes it possible, but also points out the dangers and conditions of those technologies. With the motto “I love technology, but only under my conditions” as a basis, the new donations campaign calls for everyone to protect what they love, and support Bits of Freedom in order to do that.
To highlight the importance of the campaign to the everyday internet user, we chose to build the campaign around things that had recently been in the news: the elections that are coming up, the way big tech secretly joins our private conversations, etc.
This way, the importance of what Bits of Freedom does becomes clear in the eyes of the layman, while the streets are filled with a happy-yet-activist message.
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