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Lots of people are still drinking water from plastic bottles even though our water supply network is one of the best in the world, water in plastic bottles is over a thousand times more expensive than tap water and our oceans are already full of plastic. How do we get the Netherlands to appreciate their fantastic tap water more?
By introducing the tap water generation (kraanwatergeneratie) we created a movement on a mission: getting everyone to drink more tap water—be that from a glass, a bottle, or straight from the tap. It’s time to put tap water on the pedestal it deserves. The campaign was initiated in close cooperation with Dutch artist Helmut Smits for the Zero Footprint Campus – Project.
The campaign makes use of the custom-composed ‘Kraanwater’ anthem by Dutch rapper Ome Omar, lots of kraanwater merchandise, an Instagram account and a tap water themed stand at the Utrecht Science Park where visitors can take part in several tap water activities.
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