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In 2020 the Netherlands was liberated from World War II 75 years ago. How do you commemorate such an event that is both about celebration and remembrance? And how do you keep it in line with the regular communication of the Nationaal Comité 4 en 5 mei, while at the same time making it suitable for a large number of partners to use as well?
By focusing, like in the regular communication of the Comité, on FREEDOM as the main theme. This makes it possible to both celebrate 75 years of being free from war while at the same time commemorating the fact that freedom can’t be taken for granted. The statement of 75 jaar Vrijheid (75 years of freedom) is factual and explanatory. It is therefore easy to use as a logo for all partners across the country. By using the torch from the original logo of the Nationaal Comité 4 en 5 mei in the word Vrijheid it’s clear who the official initiator is of all activities.
Our aim for the campaign is to show how long 75 years actually is. It’s an entire human life. We show this by creating 75 portraits of people that have been born since the war ended. We start with the 75 year old Jan van der Linden, born on May 5th 1945 and work our way up with a portrait each year until we arrive in the present with the baby who is due to be born on May 5th 2020. These 75 people are born in freedom and have not witnessed war or suppression, but their relatives have. A new generation ensures that the stories of their families are not getting lost and will be remembered for future generations. To realize that Freedom is a gift and not something we gained naturally.
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