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ARTE tv is a German public broadcaster; it is made for the whole of Germany. Thus, when ARTE wanted to roll out its very first brand campaign in its 32 year existence, the question arose: how do you position a media brand that is made by the public, and is funded with public money?
By actively involving the public for which the brand is made, and letting their opinions be the foundation of how ARTE presents itself to the whole of Germany. In this brand campaign, ARTE did not define herself what she is all about, but the viewers did. Their opinions instantly form ARTE’s ever-changing pay-off.
From the comfort of their home, random people from all over Germany explain how they feel about ARTE. Intimate images and real opinions that instantly form ARTE’s newest pay-off. A campaign that positions ARTE as ‘the-cat-channel’, thanks to Emilio who once saw a cat documentary on ARTE, but also as ‘the-no-nonsense-channel’, thanks to Erika and Detlef who do just don’t like to watch nonsense, and even as ‘the-terrace-channel’, thanks to Guido who watches ARTE on his terrace.
The campaign not only presents people’s opinions but also invites the audience to form and share their own thoughts about ARTE. Through TikTok’s interactive voting sticker add-on, compelling quotes are presented, allowing the audience to tap and respond to a two-choice question.
Additionally, on the campaign site Was denkst du über ARTE? (wasdenkstduueber.arte.tv), visitors can easily share their opinions of ARTE through a multiple-choice question.
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