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TWIST is the new cultural show on ARTE. It features art, fashion, design and more. Each episode revolves around a theme, while spiraling through one of Europe’s metropoles. By giving a voice to artists and makers, TWIST conveys new and controversial perspectives. But how do you introduce a show, that is so rich in its content, to the public?
By using a striking metaphor. In each 30-minute episode, so much is happening, TWIST feels like a shot of culture, enough to keep you going for the rest of the week. That’s why we made a power shot bottle, with ARTE-orange liquid, into the hero of the campaign.
We designed a bottle and added the liquid in 3D. Because we had a twisting render, endless angles were captured for still digital and print assets, supported by copy of the show’s main topics as an ingredient chart. In the cinema trailer and cut downs, we see the bottle twisting and turning, alternated by TWIST footage and reinforced with sound design.
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