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ARTE is a European broadcaster that showcases a wide variety of films, documentaries, live concerts and a whole lot more. During July and August of 2021, ARTE broadcasts a diverse program of such films, documentaries and concert registrations, united under the banner of the ‘Summer of Voices, celebrating the iconic voices of pop music. The only question was: how do we let their audience know?
A program celebrating the kings and queens of pop music can’t do without their voices. But since many of them are rather expensive or already passed, we went for a campaign featuring the voices of their biggest fans.
Using a garden hose, hairbrush or vegetable for a microphone, several Alicia Keys, Amy Winehouse and Elvis Presley enthusiasts sang their hearts out to match their idols. Their pop ballads are the foundation for a cinema trailer, a TV-commercial, OOH and a social campaign.
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