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Every year 9 million Dutch citizens receive an invitation to do declare their income taxes for the year. And thanks to the Belastingdienst, that declaration is easy, with most of your data pre-filled. For 2018 KesselsKramer developed a two-phased campaign.
In March it reminds people it’s time to for the taxpayer to review his or her pre-filled data carefully, because -opposite of what you might think- the Belastingdienst doesn’t know everything.
The second part of the campaign, starting in April is a gentle reminder for the people who have been too busy to do their taxes. The Belastingdienst -again, opposite of what you might think- understands you have better things to do than taxes, but can’t change the fact that the deadline of May first is approaching.
The campaign is carried out in TVC, radio, out-of-home advertising and various online media.
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