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The Dutch National Military Museum is a museum founded in 2014, that tells the military history and present of the Netherlands. Because the F-16, the Dutch air force’s longest serving fighter jet, will undertake its last flight in 2023 after 50 years of service, the museum organises an exhibition dedicated to this unique airplane. So how do you let the world know, in such a way that it does not only attract airplane aficionados, but also young urbanites and families?
When developing the campaign, we decided to steer away from the technical sides and bring the F-16 to life by focusing on the experience of the viewer. An F-16 can reach a speed of up to 2000 kilometres per hour and that is an amazing speed that calls for wonder and admiration. 2000 kilometres per hour is about 137 times faster than you on your bike. Or 15 times faster than your car at top speed.
We made speed the strongpoint of the campaign, as this is something everyone can relate to. By making each execution a tiny experience in itself, with copy lines that address the audience directly, pulling them into experiencing the speed of the plane, we developed an engaging campaign.
The F-16 flies through all campaign assets, from videos to digital out of home to banners.
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