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NIKS (the Dutch word for ‘nothing’) sounds like little, but actually is quite a lot. Launched in 2017, NIKS is a donation to Greenpeace that you can give or ask for Christmas, your birthday of Sinterklaas. Last year, NIKS was presented as the ideal gift for everyone who claimed to “already have everything”.
This year, NIKS is re-launched as a statement against our own continuous consumerism (which, by the way, tends to peak around the holidays). Thanks to NIKS, Greenpeace can work towards a more liveable world and you can contribute to a world with a little bit less unnecessary stuff in it. And less stuff is good, because, of all things we do on a daily basis, our urge to buy so much stuff has the largest negative impact on the ecosystem.
To emphasise this extra reason to buy NIKS, the product has been redeveloped. NIKS is now a small biodegradable card. When buried, it decomposes in several days. The receiver can decide to keep it or bury it.
Or for those who don’t. NIKS is there for everyone who wants NIKS.
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