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ONVZ is an established premium Health Insurance company selling high end products, naturally attracting a high income audience. ONVZ is therefore hardly considered by a younger audience, who are starting their careers and still live on a tighter budget. This segment is saturated with many cheap labels often sold through price comparison sites. The young professional might not be in the market for ONVZ premium now, but will be in the future. Therefore ONVZ decided to introduce a sub-label to win this audience in an early stage. But how can ONVZ stand out among many shouting brands and avoid total dependency from powerful comparison sites?
Choose a surprising name and approach resonating with the attitude of young professionals: they’re not at all interested in their health insurance, as they are occupied with careers, holidays and the fun things life has to offer. In short: they live forwards, full of self-assurance. They say Yesss/Jaaah to a busy life and hopefully to a simple and affordable health insurance as well. Say Jaaah to a health insurance without the hassle.
Jaaah combines a bold logo with retro colours and an image bank of happy, active shots that can be used for all sorts of purposes. The brand is made to breathe a sense of carefreeness and optimism while taking proper care of your health. Who dares to say No?
Wouter Mellaart, Business Owner Jaaah: “In the Netherlands we don’t simply say “Jaaah is a hassle-free, simple and affordable health insurance” but “Jaaah is dé zorgverzekering zonder gedoe met een messcherpe premie”. And I think that’s beautiful.
Built from the ground up, by a dedicated team to serve the demanding customers of today: mobile-first Young Professionals. Want to know more? Please visit jaaah.nl and follow us on Instagram. “
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