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How can J&B scotch whisky escape the shrinking, traditional ‘old men’s drink’ perception and enter the growing ‘release’ territory to become the world’s number one party whisky?
Claim the greatest moment of any night out – the anticipation before the party itself.
Whisky was becoming perceived as an old man’s drink. Worldwide consumption declined several percent per year. On the other hand, typical mix drinks like rum and vodka were growing, hand in hand with the party culture. This created a segment overloaded with happy dancing people clichés. Worldwide research revealed the insight that the anticipation before the party itself is the greatest moment of any night out. J&B claimed this anticipation, symbolised by a huge mirrorball, the classic party symbol.
With ‘Start a Party’, J&B introduced a party attitude to life for a global market. A spontaneous attitude that saw party potential in everything. At the same time, a responsible drinking campaign was initiated, starring a man with a mirrorball for a head.
Within a year, the campaign turned J&B back into (double digit) growth across the world; from Latin America to Europe to Africa to the Near East all the way into Asia. The campaign received a silver European Effie.
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