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In partnership with The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles and its online channel MOCAtv we asked graffiti and street artists and supporters around the world to upload their videos to MOCAtv’s youtube channel with #mocatvupload. Curators Jeffrey Deitch, Martha Cooper, RJ Rushmore, Carlo McCormick and Ethel Seno selected works to be featured on MOCAtv.
The Art in the Streets exhibition in 2011 was the best attended show in the MOCA’s history. The call to action initiative aimed to connect the existing graffiti and street art communities internationally and to provide a platform for the best work being created.
Music: Death Grips “Cut Throat”
The Wild Style graffiti that was invented in NYC in the late 70’s and early 80’s is arguably the most influential art movement since pop culture. As part of the MOCAtv Upload Series, we created Love/Hate Graffiti and turned youtube into a platform for viewers to express their unconditional love or hate for street art.
The comments section became an ongoing discussion board for one of the most controversial art movements of the 21st Century.
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