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The Museum Pass gives 1.4 million passholders in the Netherlands year-round access to more than 450 museums. However, there’s still a large group of people who don’t visit the museum that often. During the Museum Week, the Museum Association wants to let as many new people as possible experience the benefits of a Museum Pass. But how do you make a museum visit more accessible?
By launching an activation that breaks the rules for a change. For one week, all museums in the Netherlands will let go of the personified pass control, and grant everyone with a Museum Pass access, no matter if they match the photo of the pass owner.
In the run-up to Museum Week, we launch the activation through a campaign that mixes Museum passholders’ headshots with not-yet-passholders. The contrasting combinations encourage passholders to share their pass with someone who doesn’t visit the museum that often – from colleague to boyfriend to neighbor. People without a Museum pass are in turn invited to borrow one from someone they know.
The headshot humans can be spotted all over the Netherlands in (D)OOH, print, digital, and on social.
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