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Naturalis is the natural history museum of The Netherlands, with a renowned, world famous research institute for biodiversity, and an enormous collection of plants, animals and dinosaurs. But how do you show that besides all these things, Naturalis is also just a fun family experience?
By showing that in addition to the 43 million objects, including a famous T. rex, there is another special creature that characterizes Naturalis: its visitor. That curious, unpredictable visitor is central in this campaign approach. In the interaction with the imaginative visitor, the impressive collection of Naturalis comes to life.
The TV-commercial shows a family making a day trip to Naturalis. They curiously look at the collection, until they get blown away by a gigantic roaring T. rex. Or was it their own daughter? Together, the roaring daughter and T. rex also form the campaign images, inviting people to come to ‘Naturoooaaaaalis’.
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