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People can recall more car brands than bird names nowadays. The general audience often lacks interest in or knowledge of birdlife. Urbanisation, recreational pressure and large-scale agriculture are reducing the habitat of many birds. Endangered bird species suffer from a visibility and awareness problem.
Social scientist Robert Zajonc proved it in the sixties: familiarity breeds liking. Many brands have since followed his insight that ‘mere exposure’ leads to appreciation. That is why shy, vulnerable birds have boosted their presence in the heart of nature-deprived city locations. KesselsKramer and Vogelbescherming (Dutch Protection of Birds) pitched this idea for the Ocean Outdoor Creative Competition, which was awarded with the first prize and €500,000 of media spend. The yellow wagtail, red-backed shrike and their friends have taken over large scale digital screens in dense city-centres. Here they gain interest by presenting their beauty and names in iconic, digitally advanced ways, just as we do for smartphones or watches. Birds won’t ask for much, just attention. Instead of fundraising, they hope to move up in the evoked set of the mass audience. After getting some attention, the birds ask the audience to visit mijnvogelvinder.nl, a web-app for gaining bird knowledge.
On behalf of all red-backed shrikes, yellow wagtails, redshanks, ringed plovers and other ‘red listed’ birds: thank you for your attention, support and protection.
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