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The emancipation of the last 50 years has allowed more women to join the workforce. Although this has gone some way to level gender equality, there is still an imbalance when it comes to men carrying out household tasks. Dutch laws are currently not fit to change this anytime soon and it doesn’t work. It never has, and it never will, unless we manage to change our politics and policies in favour of the millions of working parents, caretakes, and voluntary caregivers of the Netherlands.
To make a change, Women Inc. and KesselsKramer launch a campaign that addresses the many ways in which the system does not work for even more people. In punky big letters, various unfortunate, and sadly, all too familiar combinations of work and care are explained; stated as a problem; then answered with a simple solution that could be put in practice through policymaking.
Using only animated typography and sound effects, we created a selection of short social videos which pinpoint different problems and provide fitting solutions – solutions which you can make happen by signing the petition.
KesselsKramer invites you to
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