495 Results
Many non-hetero-, non-cisgender people feel like they can’t tell their GP everything he/she needs to know to treat them well. How do we stop shame, awkwardness and wrong assumptions in the consultation room from obstructing fitting care for anyone who needs it?
Create a campaign that puts any sex- or gender-orientated health problem up for discussion, inside your doctor’s office, and outside of it. And launch a podcast that goes by the same name to reach an audience as wide and diverse as the problem we’re tackling.
KOMT EEN MENS BIJ DE DOKTER is a campaign founded on a line that sounds like the punch line of a common Dutch joke, but that stands for ultimate inclusivity in healthcare.
We may visit our doctor to help us with health problems related to being gay, pansexual or in another way deviating from heteronormativity, yet at the end of the day, we all sit there as human beings. And we all deserve to be treated that way.
KesselsKramer invites you to
Have a similar project, problem or communication-need laying about? Would you like us to help? Or, simply like the look of our work and want to know more, get in contact below.